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Friday, August 20, 2010

End of Summer....Sadness

Well I didn't post in my blog over the Summer did I? I think I was having waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much fun doing other things. Whether it was going to the lake, the beach vacation, youth group at people's houses, learning hockey, discovering I am some freakish Euro soccer freak, or just hanging out with my favorite people, I had an amazing Summer. Definitely my favorite one. It went by so fast! Now it is back to the drag of the other 9 or so months out of the year when things come too slowly. To ease your (and my) pain, I have decided to completetly rip off L's snapshots of her life idea. HAHAHAHA i know no better way to make everyone feel better than to look at pictures of awkard, unphotogenic me. So here you go! The life of Branson in pictures (Part 1 or something.)

Christmas time! Notice the short hair


The McCullers and Wrens over for New Years! (so fun)

That is still my favorite jacket, I wore it all the time

My only skill was that I was a good 2 inches taller than the entire league

Snow Day with the McCullers!

Learning to Ski (with my favorite jacket)


Leaving for the 2nd youth retreat!

No you do not need to be worried about my religious tendencies

Sprinting the final 100 yards in the triathlon

My Dad, because he is awesome

Biology class!

Camping at Wind Creek with the McCullers and Wrens

Volley Ball!

Me on stage at church! (and G having that whole first communion thing...:P)

Christmas! (Nice hair T...nice hair...

Little Bro

We look so stinking nerdy

Getting ready for TeenPact!

*cough* stop taking pictures of everywhere we go *cough*

The infinite hallway (the hotel we stayed one night in)

More coming!



Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Never Mind...

Despite my heartfelt blog post, it looks like Brett is coming back. Don't worry Brett I'll still root for you.

Brett Favre....sigh

Sometimes I let people and their actions or inactions have to much control over my emotions. The former NFL quarterback Brett Favre is one of those people. Somewhere, there is a paper I wrote years ago about watching him in my first ever viewing of a football game. I was quite enthralled. There was a difference in the way he played compared to other athletes on my TV screen. He seemed to care and try and fight for every play, and that made it entertaining and inspiring. Far from perfect, Brett still gave his all in every down he played. That made me a fan. I followed the last leg of his career with the Packers, which ended in him throwing an interception in the NFC championship game...and running to tackle the guy who had pulled his hopes, and mine, out of the cold Green Bay air. He "retired,"a heartbreaking time for me, and then returned shortly to play for the Jets. His season with the Jets started well, but ended with him getting injured, which cut short his record streak of consecutive starts. I watched sadly as he "retired" again, ending his career on a mediocre season. However, Brett came back again. I bitterly thought that this was going to be yet another mediocre season for him. I thought wrong. In his last season (hopefully) Brett Favre lead his new team, the Vikings, on one of their best runs in the team's history. Leading the team with his best statistical season ever, Brett played like I'd never seen him play before. The Vikings had a great run through the playoffs until...the Championship game against the New Orleans Saints. In the final seconds of the game, a combination of bad play calls and imperfection by Brett crushed the Vikings hopes of a Super Bowl trip. Now Brett is retiring again, and I hope that this is for real. I have loved seeing him play and rooting for him to go all the way, even though it never happened in my football time, but I am ready for him to leave and stop disappointing me, and himself, every season.
