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Monday, March 22, 2010

Should I be flattered or what?

I receive a lot of mail, very little of which actually comes from people I know sadly. Most of the letters I receive come from colleges, I've gotten ones from Cambridge and Rice ( can't remember the others), but today I received a...different letter. Apparently I have been referred to Patti Schneider as a potential model or actor for the NAM. They really want me too, they've sent me a letter every year for I don't know how long.

Does anyone know what NAM stands for? Anyone? Anyone? It stands for the National America Miss organization. Yep. Apparently I can meet other girls in my area and have a wonderful time learning how to be future model/actor. All the while gaining self confidence and valuable communication skills. Wow this is really something. Oh darn, no swimsuit competition, I would win if they had that. But OH! they judge on personality, poise, and confidence. Hmmmm so they just judge on not the outward appearance, but who you are on the inside...isn't there a Bible verse about that? Wow this sounds really good! Should I go on Tuesday or Monday?

Oh too bad, I'm not a girl,

What the heck?


Saturday, March 20, 2010


I love airsoft, I really do, but today I wish I wasn't quite as in to it. I played really well in my last game, maybe the last ever, but I forgot to duck. Yes I am quoting Ronald Reagan. Why? Because he's awesome. You see, I was holed up in, oddly, a hole and I took down all but one person on the opposing team. One very annoying shooting in the mouth person. In his defense, he was shooting uphill, but sometimes I wonder....:p Anyway, I got shot in the mouth and I chipped a tooth. The front right one, I don't know the exact name. Now I look like the cross between one of my dad's Bayou La Batre redneck friends and an MMA fighter without the awesome buffness. I am quite sad.

Friday, March 19, 2010


I don't have very many followers at all. If I posted more would I have more? I don't know. Does this mean I don't have many friends? I don't know either.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The YMCA song is sick....

Ummm...I just discovered something. Never ever sing the full YMCA song. Look up the lyrics and do a little research on the artists if you want, then you'll understand what I'm talking about.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Today we went to Ober Gatlinburg, which is, I think, the only skiing place in this area. It was pretty nice, but we haven't been out west so I hear that I don't really know what nice is. It has been a year since I last skied, which was my first time in NC. I think I like Gatlinburg better. Although it might be since I was a whole lot better here than I was on our last trip. I went down all the blues and one of the two black diamonds. It was really really fun. I wish sometimes that Alabama had some good skiing places, then I would ski all the time. That would mean Alabama would have to be colder though, and I wouldn't like that very much. I think I pretty much like where I live, really I would almost like it better if it was warmer. So I don't want to live near a skiing place I guess. Maybe something closer to the beach.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Posting From Gatlinburg..Berg...whatever

Ok so here I am in Gatlinburg(that's how I'll spell it) in this nice hotel called the Inn at Christmas Place. Yes you heard it right. It is all Christmas all the time here. It can be good or bad...depending on how much you love Christmas trees, Christmas smells, Christmas decor, and Christmas pictures. Regardless of whether you love or hate Christmas, there is a definite advantage of staying at a hotel that focuses solely on one season...freakishly low rates. For some reason, it seems that a lot of people don't like staying at hotels that scream CHRISTMAS in the great month of March. Who would have thought?

Anyway, we have a great schedule planned. We are going skiing tomorrow! Then we are going to a water park the next day. It's the first trip I've ever been on where I had to pack jackets and swimsuits. There's a lot to do here. You can go to the MAGIC place 2 places down from our hotel. It is very strange...people walk around in capes and hats and look like they're from a Harry Potter movie...or a cult...I'm not sure yet. G wants to go to this place badly. I think it's a trap. It looks happy and fun on the outside but I have seen glimpses of the inside. I think they secretly teach people witchcraft or something :P

Then you can go to the Applewood Grill, which is where we ate tonight. It is a wonderful place where all their recipes revolve around apples. If it doesn't actually have apple in it, it's apple flavored. Amazing stuff. However great confusion revolves around this place, for you see there is another store called The Applewood Barn. They are sort of related but the Applewood Barn is a family style restaurant , whereas the Applewood Grill is an individual plate style restaurant. Very complicated. Made more so by the fact they are right next to each other.

Moving on...I found out there are psychics in Gatlinburg as well. Unfortunately they don't appear to be the cool kind that work for police stations as "consultants" I think they are mostly old weird ladies that have poorly kept up storefronts in strip malls. Oh well, so much for that.

There are a lot of weird stores here. There's about a million AS SEEN ON TV stores, but oddly, they mostly have Confederate flags and 2 for 5 dollar t-shirts. I've never seen those on TV. Although they do have snuggies there. I am still not getting those things. I know I know they are blankets with sleeves, but do they have backs? No! So then they are really like the gowns they give you at doctor's offices, and who would want to wear those around the house?

There is also this huuuuuuggeeee knife store here. It's amazingly big. They say it's the biggest knife store in the world. I don't really believe them though, there has to be bigger ones, say in the former Soviet Union, mixed in with the guns, and nukes and such. Maybe it's just the biggest LEGAL knife store in the world. Or the biggest knife store whose owners don't work for the Mafia. Who knows?

Moving on again...Man I'm tired, I don't write very well when I'm tired. I'm looking around my room. There are lots of Christmas ornaments on the walls. I count two wreaths, two reindeer, a holly looking thing, and an assortment of bows on everything. Lots of Christmas...all the time...

Ok I guess I better go to bed,

I'll try to post about cool things,

less about the knife store.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

For the sake of having a new post...

I can't believe it! I broke 14 seconds on 25 freestyle yesterday! My time is now 13.9 seconds. Aaron and I both broke it at the same time, both getting 13.9. I also got 16 seconds on my butterfly!

hahahahahhahahaha I'm thrilled, but this will mean nothing to anyone who reads my blog...but at least I have a post.