Curse you Awesome old music...

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Friday, August 20, 2010

End of Summer....Sadness

Well I didn't post in my blog over the Summer did I? I think I was having waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much fun doing other things. Whether it was going to the lake, the beach vacation, youth group at people's houses, learning hockey, discovering I am some freakish Euro soccer freak, or just hanging out with my favorite people, I had an amazing Summer. Definitely my favorite one. It went by so fast! Now it is back to the drag of the other 9 or so months out of the year when things come too slowly. To ease your (and my) pain, I have decided to completetly rip off L's snapshots of her life idea. HAHAHAHA i know no better way to make everyone feel better than to look at pictures of awkard, unphotogenic me. So here you go! The life of Branson in pictures (Part 1 or something.)

Christmas time! Notice the short hair


The McCullers and Wrens over for New Years! (so fun)

That is still my favorite jacket, I wore it all the time

My only skill was that I was a good 2 inches taller than the entire league

Snow Day with the McCullers!

Learning to Ski (with my favorite jacket)


Leaving for the 2nd youth retreat!

No you do not need to be worried about my religious tendencies

Sprinting the final 100 yards in the triathlon

My Dad, because he is awesome

Biology class!

Camping at Wind Creek with the McCullers and Wrens

Volley Ball!

Me on stage at church! (and G having that whole first communion thing...:P)

Christmas! (Nice hair T...nice hair...

Little Bro

We look so stinking nerdy

Getting ready for TeenPact!

*cough* stop taking pictures of everywhere we go *cough*

The infinite hallway (the hotel we stayed one night in)

More coming!



Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Never Mind...

Despite my heartfelt blog post, it looks like Brett is coming back. Don't worry Brett I'll still root for you.

Brett Favre....sigh

Sometimes I let people and their actions or inactions have to much control over my emotions. The former NFL quarterback Brett Favre is one of those people. Somewhere, there is a paper I wrote years ago about watching him in my first ever viewing of a football game. I was quite enthralled. There was a difference in the way he played compared to other athletes on my TV screen. He seemed to care and try and fight for every play, and that made it entertaining and inspiring. Far from perfect, Brett still gave his all in every down he played. That made me a fan. I followed the last leg of his career with the Packers, which ended in him throwing an interception in the NFC championship game...and running to tackle the guy who had pulled his hopes, and mine, out of the cold Green Bay air. He "retired,"a heartbreaking time for me, and then returned shortly to play for the Jets. His season with the Jets started well, but ended with him getting injured, which cut short his record streak of consecutive starts. I watched sadly as he "retired" again, ending his career on a mediocre season. However, Brett came back again. I bitterly thought that this was going to be yet another mediocre season for him. I thought wrong. In his last season (hopefully) Brett Favre lead his new team, the Vikings, on one of their best runs in the team's history. Leading the team with his best statistical season ever, Brett played like I'd never seen him play before. The Vikings had a great run through the playoffs until...the Championship game against the New Orleans Saints. In the final seconds of the game, a combination of bad play calls and imperfection by Brett crushed the Vikings hopes of a Super Bowl trip. Now Brett is retiring again, and I hope that this is for real. I have loved seeing him play and rooting for him to go all the way, even though it never happened in my football time, but I am ready for him to leave and stop disappointing me, and himself, every season.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Recasting way!

I'm bored and have decided to mock L and R's recasting of Eragon. (although I do agree with you that movie seriously needs better actors, and actresses.)

Because he can look all confused about magic better than the other dude.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

7 Bridges Road

This is one of my favorite songs. It makes me wish I had a voice that could harmonize with other people. Ironically, the song is about Woodley Road, the road that my Grandparent's house is on in Montgomery and where my mom grew up. It makes me like it more, although the road itself isn't as special as the song would make you think. Here you go peoples.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Curse You Awesome Old Music!


I have a confession

I really like old music all the sudden. Yeah I know it's freaky. As I'm sure you know Kt, C, and Co, I like to listen to 106.9 a lot. Old music is so freakishly awesome and I have no idea why. In fact it came to a pinnacle last night. I was on for about 2 hours with my parents looking up every single older song from the 70's and 80's they could remember and I loved all of them. This scares me. I am not some 40 something year old with children whose only respite from Hannah Montana is my Greatest Hits of the 70's album. I am Branson Horn and I am too young to like this music. What is wrong with me? :p the playlist we compiled last night is on the sidebar. Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


 I haven't posted in five weeks! I can't believe it. I guess the blog thing hasn't worked out quite as well as I hoped it would. But really, who wants to sit around reading about what I'm doing and thinking when they could be out living their own life? The only people I care to hear more about me are around me so much that they already know what's going on. Well anyway, a lot has happened in the past five weeks. One of my favorites was going to the beach with the McCullers. It was really awesome. I probably should have wrote about it when I had a fresher memory, but I still remember the important things. By the way, if you have snapfish accounts, Kt and I have put our photos from the beach on our group pages. So you can see us laughing and smiling and having fun while you were sitting at home doing NOTHING! :p Actually I heard youth went quite well the week we weren't there. Ultimate has been really fun lately and swim team is done for the fall/winter season. I'm not doing it through the summer so I'll get even punier than I already am unless I work out. I should really work out this summer. Maybe that's what I'll do post every time I do so I can be accountable to all you hordes of people who read my fantastic blog :D. It's just so easy to sit around and do nothing during the summer, but I'm not going to let myself be that way. Even if I let myself be that way my mom won't. She has the summer chocked full of reading, writing assignments, review of the past school year, and ACT and SAT prep. Woohooo.....but I know this summer will be fun too. I hope we can go on a lot more camping trips and have all sorts of fun with those. Also, youth at people's houses will be fun. Then we have the MISSIONS TRIP. Which, along with the beach vacation, has been something that I have looked forward too since the last time I did them. Well I guess I can just use this as my summer fun/workingout/school during summer blog.

Maybe I'll post more than once every five weeks....nah probably not.


Saturday, April 24, 2010


After several beautiful, breathtaking days...It began to rain last night. I don't mind rain much I guess, but I would prefer them not to be on Saturdays. Really rain with ultimate isn't that bad, it's when it thunders and lightnings, and there's talk about it being the worst weather day of the year that really annoys me. I'm kidding, but it is sort of depressing. All day long I've thought it was about 7 in the evening.

My favorite part of stormy days are the times we have a tornado waring. (thankfully we haven't had one today.) Our family has a very interesting room in our house, C calls it the apocalypse shelter. I don't know why, I think it might be because of the realistic looking airsoft guns piled in the corner of the concrete encased, windowless room. Anyway, when a tornado warning sounds close to us we retreat from the open basement area( where we go when there looks like there might be bad storms in the area) and into the apocalypse shelter. We stay in there for various times, depending on how horrible our doom might possibly be. The only problem is, we have no food in our apocalypse shelter. This would present a problem if we say, actually had an apocalypse. I suppose we could hunt for small animals across the nuclear wasteland with my airsoft guns. So my friends, today we might be sitting in our apocalypse shelter again, wearing our bike helmets lest the 3 ft thick slabs of concrete hit us on our head and knock us unconscious, listening intently to the radio on our pathetic little MP3 player,and hoping, praying, that our 2 inch thick flimsy wood door will hold off the massive winds of a tornado.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Top Five Favorite Jars of Clay songs

These are in no particular order
(yes I know Show you love isn't on this list)

It's so hard to choose 5 jars of clay songs, but hear they are. They'll probably changed by next week.

I love this song

I play it on guitar all the time and (attempt) to sing it when I'm up in my bedroom playing. This is probably in my top five favorite Jars of Clay songs. Idea! that will be my next post.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

He is risen!


53:5 (New International Version)

5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.

Matthew 28 1After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.

2There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. 3His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. 4The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.

5The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.7Then go quickly and tell his disciples: 'He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.' Now I have told you."

8So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples.9Suddenly Jesus met them. "Greetings," he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Should I be flattered or what?

I receive a lot of mail, very little of which actually comes from people I know sadly. Most of the letters I receive come from colleges, I've gotten ones from Cambridge and Rice ( can't remember the others), but today I received a...different letter. Apparently I have been referred to Patti Schneider as a potential model or actor for the NAM. They really want me too, they've sent me a letter every year for I don't know how long.

Does anyone know what NAM stands for? Anyone? Anyone? It stands for the National America Miss organization. Yep. Apparently I can meet other girls in my area and have a wonderful time learning how to be future model/actor. All the while gaining self confidence and valuable communication skills. Wow this is really something. Oh darn, no swimsuit competition, I would win if they had that. But OH! they judge on personality, poise, and confidence. Hmmmm so they just judge on not the outward appearance, but who you are on the inside...isn't there a Bible verse about that? Wow this sounds really good! Should I go on Tuesday or Monday?

Oh too bad, I'm not a girl,

What the heck?


Saturday, March 20, 2010


I love airsoft, I really do, but today I wish I wasn't quite as in to it. I played really well in my last game, maybe the last ever, but I forgot to duck. Yes I am quoting Ronald Reagan. Why? Because he's awesome. You see, I was holed up in, oddly, a hole and I took down all but one person on the opposing team. One very annoying shooting in the mouth person. In his defense, he was shooting uphill, but sometimes I wonder....:p Anyway, I got shot in the mouth and I chipped a tooth. The front right one, I don't know the exact name. Now I look like the cross between one of my dad's Bayou La Batre redneck friends and an MMA fighter without the awesome buffness. I am quite sad.

Friday, March 19, 2010


I don't have very many followers at all. If I posted more would I have more? I don't know. Does this mean I don't have many friends? I don't know either.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The YMCA song is sick....

Ummm...I just discovered something. Never ever sing the full YMCA song. Look up the lyrics and do a little research on the artists if you want, then you'll understand what I'm talking about.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Today we went to Ober Gatlinburg, which is, I think, the only skiing place in this area. It was pretty nice, but we haven't been out west so I hear that I don't really know what nice is. It has been a year since I last skied, which was my first time in NC. I think I like Gatlinburg better. Although it might be since I was a whole lot better here than I was on our last trip. I went down all the blues and one of the two black diamonds. It was really really fun. I wish sometimes that Alabama had some good skiing places, then I would ski all the time. That would mean Alabama would have to be colder though, and I wouldn't like that very much. I think I pretty much like where I live, really I would almost like it better if it was warmer. So I don't want to live near a skiing place I guess. Maybe something closer to the beach.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Posting From Gatlinburg..Berg...whatever

Ok so here I am in Gatlinburg(that's how I'll spell it) in this nice hotel called the Inn at Christmas Place. Yes you heard it right. It is all Christmas all the time here. It can be good or bad...depending on how much you love Christmas trees, Christmas smells, Christmas decor, and Christmas pictures. Regardless of whether you love or hate Christmas, there is a definite advantage of staying at a hotel that focuses solely on one season...freakishly low rates. For some reason, it seems that a lot of people don't like staying at hotels that scream CHRISTMAS in the great month of March. Who would have thought?

Anyway, we have a great schedule planned. We are going skiing tomorrow! Then we are going to a water park the next day. It's the first trip I've ever been on where I had to pack jackets and swimsuits. There's a lot to do here. You can go to the MAGIC place 2 places down from our hotel. It is very strange...people walk around in capes and hats and look like they're from a Harry Potter movie...or a cult...I'm not sure yet. G wants to go to this place badly. I think it's a trap. It looks happy and fun on the outside but I have seen glimpses of the inside. I think they secretly teach people witchcraft or something :P

Then you can go to the Applewood Grill, which is where we ate tonight. It is a wonderful place where all their recipes revolve around apples. If it doesn't actually have apple in it, it's apple flavored. Amazing stuff. However great confusion revolves around this place, for you see there is another store called The Applewood Barn. They are sort of related but the Applewood Barn is a family style restaurant , whereas the Applewood Grill is an individual plate style restaurant. Very complicated. Made more so by the fact they are right next to each other.

Moving on...I found out there are psychics in Gatlinburg as well. Unfortunately they don't appear to be the cool kind that work for police stations as "consultants" I think they are mostly old weird ladies that have poorly kept up storefronts in strip malls. Oh well, so much for that.

There are a lot of weird stores here. There's about a million AS SEEN ON TV stores, but oddly, they mostly have Confederate flags and 2 for 5 dollar t-shirts. I've never seen those on TV. Although they do have snuggies there. I am still not getting those things. I know I know they are blankets with sleeves, but do they have backs? No! So then they are really like the gowns they give you at doctor's offices, and who would want to wear those around the house?

There is also this huuuuuuggeeee knife store here. It's amazingly big. They say it's the biggest knife store in the world. I don't really believe them though, there has to be bigger ones, say in the former Soviet Union, mixed in with the guns, and nukes and such. Maybe it's just the biggest LEGAL knife store in the world. Or the biggest knife store whose owners don't work for the Mafia. Who knows?

Moving on again...Man I'm tired, I don't write very well when I'm tired. I'm looking around my room. There are lots of Christmas ornaments on the walls. I count two wreaths, two reindeer, a holly looking thing, and an assortment of bows on everything. Lots of Christmas...all the time...

Ok I guess I better go to bed,

I'll try to post about cool things,

less about the knife store.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

For the sake of having a new post...

I can't believe it! I broke 14 seconds on 25 freestyle yesterday! My time is now 13.9 seconds. Aaron and I both broke it at the same time, both getting 13.9. I also got 16 seconds on my butterfly!

hahahahahhahahaha I'm thrilled, but this will mean nothing to anyone who reads my blog...but at least I have a post.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

And so the membership ends...

I'm pretty sure I have posted on the fact that about a month ago I purchased an Xbox360. It is a wonderful thing with many great games and fun features, but therein lies the trap. The majority of the great and wonderful features come with the GOLD MEMBERSHIP. For you non Xbox players, a gold membership is rather like a magizine subscription you can either pay monthly, or yearly to use Gold's features( Online gaming, etc.) I (like many others) bought an Xbox thinking that even when I didn't have Gold I could still be happy. I hear Microsoft laughing now. Cruel, evil laughs of "we have him now." You see my friends, I made the mistake, the ever so small one, of play halo online with Co. Now my gaming life is changed, I MUST have xbox gold or I cannot fully enjoy the great thing called the Xbox 360 Elite, purchased with every last dime of my hard earned savings. It was a small thing at first, my dependance on Gold. The occasional firefight with F and Lu, the online game with Co here and there, then it happened, I became committed to Gold. Xbox's ploy is simple but effective. You buy an Xbox, they give you a free month of Gold, the consumer (like me) absurdly believes that the free month lasts longer than a month and that he can live without it, the month ends, the gamer, now addicted, feels as though they cannot ever enjoy gaming again without Gold. The gamer spends 50 bucks on a year's subscription. The process continues. Here is the worst thing--my spendthriftness is so great, (thank you mom) that I realize that unless I spend 50 whole stinkin' dollars on the year's membership, I will be getting a bad deal. You see, anything less is substantially more pricey per month.

Here's the real kicker,

I don't have 50 dollars,

here's another, has 12 month subscriptions for 30, doesn't have them in stock,

How can you not have a virtual subscription in stock?

I think they are playing with me.....

Just like Microsoft....

I'm going to become a communist, I now hate capitalism

Just kidding,

Monday, January 25, 2010

Well people say that I should post more on my blog. "People" say many things, some of which I don't believe in, so I probably shouldn't be writing this out of peer pressure--but I am. Oh well.

Really and truly, I would have written on the blog a lot sooner, but I had a problem. It's called writer's block. Writer's block is horrible. I mean I want to write all the time on the blog and have a bazillion entries like R has or someone, but it just doesn't flow. R suggested writing about peanut butter and other random things, but she's already written about peanut butter, so it would just be a rip off. Plus, I haven't tasted REAL peanut butter in forever.... Since the fateful day my mom brought home the "all natural"peanut butter. It's ground up peanuts.....and salt....that's all. Wow, I've started writing about peanut butter, I'd better stop. What else....chairs no, chocolate, I think someone does that a lot *cough* Kt *cough* So you can see my problem? I want to be original, but with R spouting out randomness here and there and that someone who writes about leaves me nothing. NOTHING.
I mean seriously there isn't anything to write about. It makes me wonder "Why am I writing anyway?"

Oh yes, peer pressure.

Friday, January 8, 2010


What is it about sports that compels so many people to root for it? What is it about games with a ball that causes such deep emotions of joy, happiness, anger, and even hatred? How is it that an 18 year old kid that we have never even seen in person can cause us to either have one of the happiest or saddest moments in our lives? It's crazy, it's insane, and in my case-- it's football.
Last night I saw something on TV that I've never seen before--Alabama win a national championship. It wasn't what I was expecting. I was envisioning being glued to my seat in captivation, watching every single play with excited anticipation, but it didn't happen that way. Alabama has a way of winning and not looking awesome half the time while they're doing it. The final score was 37-21, Alabama defeating Texas. Although there were quite a few moments of utter glee on our little gang of faithful Bama watchers part, it wasn't the intense, or thrilling game I was hoping for. Although I jumped and high-fived C in jubilation when the clock hit zero, the thrill stopped soon afterwards. This was it? This is what I had been dreaming of ever since I saw Bama snap the ball for my first time--and it didn't feel complete. That's when I realized the real reason why we watch sports. It's not the championship win that we want to see; it's the hope of a championship that we want to feel. We live and breathe the promise of seeing our favorite team win the ultimate game....only to live and breathe it again the next season, and the next. Because in sports, the best is never good enough, there's always more you can do, always more you can achieve. And so, day in and day out, as we take our alloted time as sports fans to dwell on our favorite conglomeration of young men and women that play with balls, we live and we hope and we imagine what the "consummation" of the season, or the career will be. We put so much faith and love and trust into our athletes, it makes you wonder how passionate we could be about the things that really matter.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

How could I have forgotten?

Wow it just hit me that today, Saturday the second of January, is the beginning of a new year and a new decade! I guess I need to summarize the year( the decade would be to lengthy) Let's see where to begin.... Oh about this time last year our Church's youth pastor/ worship leader/ whatever we needed him to be, moved to Florida to start a new job. This was a very sad time for us. Right before he left he gave CW and me the task of leading the youth band ( which I have already posted about) as well as left our Church in a state of sadness. However, it did help our church realize what an amazing person Rick was ( more than we already thought) This post will not all be about sadness however. As the year progressed, I pushed through school with the hopes of having a long summer vacation. We had a youth retreat and then I went camping with the Macs to the beach, which was great fun as always. Summer vacation (shorter than it should have been thanks to my lack of pushing hard in school earlier in the year) was very fun. We went to the lake with friends, we had youth at peoples' houses, new awesome people joined youth, and so on. I also came in 3rd in a triathlon after training 3 days a week all summer. My church had a week long missions trip which was one of the best experiences I've ever had.

Then came the much hyped 9th grade year. This year is supposedly the year that you have to REALLY push in. I began to wonder if I would be able to have time to eat between all the school. And as those of you who know me (which I hope is everyone who reads the blog) know, I do in fact have time to eat as well as a plethora of other things. Several of which are not necessary to my schooling. Anyway, I progressed into the new school year, taking GREEK CLASS which is awesome, biology which is awesome (with the exception of having to do whole modules over Christmas break) and Christian ethics which is also cool. I continued to try to lead the youth band with CW, and we had a few new members join. School and life progressed as it always does when school first starts back...slowly. We went on a few more camping trips and a couple with our new camping buddies ( who have outclassed us with their insanely large camper.) I got sick A LOT which is very odd for me. I, of course, joined the swim team which has been..interesting.
Then came Thanksgiving, which was as always a time of food. Although we did have it with my mom's parents instead of my dad's as we normally do. School continued in the arduous stretch between thanksgiving and Christmas break, which for us starts on the 18th. We went to a few concerts, one of which was the fantastic Behold the Lamb of God tour. Alabama made Tim Tebow cry in the SEC championship, which was both fulfilling and sad at the same time. Alabama made it to the National Championship, which has yet to be played.
Then Christmas finally came. I got several things for Christmas, even though I didn't ask for as much as I normally do. One of my favorite gifts is the mic system I got. Now I torture my family all the time singing and playing REALLY loudly. Since I saved most of my birthday money, I had enough to combine it with my Christmas money and get an xbox360. In a weird twist of fate I suddenly found out that I could play Halo. Then came New years eve on which I went to bed at like 9. I woke up at 6:30 the next day however (haha.) On New Year's day we had the Macs and Wrens over for a get together thing. Tim Tebow the superman crushed Cincy. I laughed at the highlight real of AU vs. NW, the game which AU won 3 times. I played Frisbee today in super cold weather. Oh no I am suddenly lapsing into the new year! I guess I better stop.
09' was great for me, I feel like I have grown up a lot this year and learned a lot of things ( not all in school) and I thank God for another year.

Frisbee Today

Well I haven't posted in awhile. Today my faithful Ultimate Frisbee cohorts and I played in 25 degree weather. There were over 20 people too! I think we are a bit addicted. We play when we are sick, when it's raining, when it's over 100 degrees, when it's under 30 degrees, and everything in between. Today it was a wonderful mix of freezing coldness, even colder wind, and an icy-muddy ground. But, as always, we enjoyed it.