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Saturday, April 24, 2010


After several beautiful, breathtaking days...It began to rain last night. I don't mind rain much I guess, but I would prefer them not to be on Saturdays. Really rain with ultimate isn't that bad, it's when it thunders and lightnings, and there's talk about it being the worst weather day of the year that really annoys me. I'm kidding, but it is sort of depressing. All day long I've thought it was about 7 in the evening.

My favorite part of stormy days are the times we have a tornado waring. (thankfully we haven't had one today.) Our family has a very interesting room in our house, C calls it the apocalypse shelter. I don't know why, I think it might be because of the realistic looking airsoft guns piled in the corner of the concrete encased, windowless room. Anyway, when a tornado warning sounds close to us we retreat from the open basement area( where we go when there looks like there might be bad storms in the area) and into the apocalypse shelter. We stay in there for various times, depending on how horrible our doom might possibly be. The only problem is, we have no food in our apocalypse shelter. This would present a problem if we say, actually had an apocalypse. I suppose we could hunt for small animals across the nuclear wasteland with my airsoft guns. So my friends, today we might be sitting in our apocalypse shelter again, wearing our bike helmets lest the 3 ft thick slabs of concrete hit us on our head and knock us unconscious, listening intently to the radio on our pathetic little MP3 player,and hoping, praying, that our 2 inch thick flimsy wood door will hold off the massive winds of a tornado.

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