Then came the much hyped 9th grade year. This year is supposedly the year that you have to REALLY push in. I began to wonder if I would be able to have time to eat between all the school. And as those of you who know me (which I hope is everyone who reads the blog) know, I do in fact have time to eat as well as a plethora of other things. Several of which are not necessary to my schooling. Anyway, I progressed into the new school year, taking GREEK CLASS which is awesome, biology which is awesome (with the exception of having to do whole modules over Christmas break) and Christian ethics which is also cool. I continued to try to lead the youth band with CW, and we had a few new members join. School and life progressed as it always does when school first starts back...slowly. We went on a few more camping trips and a couple with our new camping buddies ( who have outclassed us with their insanely large camper.) I got sick A LOT which is very odd for me. I, of course, joined the swim team which has been..interesting.
Then came Thanksgiving, which was as always a time of food. Although we did have it with my mom's parents instead of my dad's as we normally do. School continued in the arduous stretch between thanksgiving and Christmas break, which for us starts on the 18th. We went to a few concerts, one of which was the fantastic Behold the Lamb of God tour. Alabama made Tim Tebow cry in the SEC championship, which was both fulfilling and sad at the same time. Alabama made it to the National Championship, which has yet to be played.
Then Christmas finally came. I got several things for Christmas, even though I didn't ask for as much as I normally do. One of my favorite gifts is the mic system I got. Now I torture my family all the time singing and playing REALLY loudly. Since I saved most of my birthday money, I had enough to combine it with my Christmas money and get an xbox360. In a weird twist of fate I suddenly found out that I could play Halo. Then came New years eve on which I went to bed at like 9. I woke up at 6:30 the next day however (haha.) On New Year's day we had the Macs and Wrens over for a get together thing. Tim Tebow the superman crushed Cincy. I laughed at the highlight real of AU vs. NW, the game which AU won 3 times. I played Frisbee today in super cold weather. Oh no I am suddenly lapsing into the new year! I guess I better stop.
09' was great for me, I feel like I have grown up a lot this year and learned a lot of things ( not all in school) and I thank God for another year.
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