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Monday, January 25, 2010

Well people say that I should post more on my blog. "People" say many things, some of which I don't believe in, so I probably shouldn't be writing this out of peer pressure--but I am. Oh well.

Really and truly, I would have written on the blog a lot sooner, but I had a problem. It's called writer's block. Writer's block is horrible. I mean I want to write all the time on the blog and have a bazillion entries like R has or someone, but it just doesn't flow. R suggested writing about peanut butter and other random things, but she's already written about peanut butter, so it would just be a rip off. Plus, I haven't tasted REAL peanut butter in forever.... Since the fateful day my mom brought home the "all natural"peanut butter. It's ground up peanuts.....and salt....that's all. Wow, I've started writing about peanut butter, I'd better stop. What else....chairs no, chocolate, I think someone does that a lot *cough* Kt *cough* So you can see my problem? I want to be original, but with R spouting out randomness here and there and that someone who writes about leaves me nothing. NOTHING.
I mean seriously there isn't anything to write about. It makes me wonder "Why am I writing anyway?"

Oh yes, peer pressure.


  1. Not bad, sry if i added on the peer pressure, loved the part on the peanut butter!

  2. See the problem is: randomness is R's things, Music is Kt's, and lyrics is Ky's. See what ya gotta do is what I do: not write about random things -- but embellish tiny little insignificant events into enormous events and subsequent posts. (i.e. How to cartwheel. :D)

    See? My advice is genius. I know.
