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Monday, March 22, 2010

Should I be flattered or what?

I receive a lot of mail, very little of which actually comes from people I know sadly. Most of the letters I receive come from colleges, I've gotten ones from Cambridge and Rice ( can't remember the others), but today I received a...different letter. Apparently I have been referred to Patti Schneider as a potential model or actor for the NAM. They really want me too, they've sent me a letter every year for I don't know how long.

Does anyone know what NAM stands for? Anyone? Anyone? It stands for the National America Miss organization. Yep. Apparently I can meet other girls in my area and have a wonderful time learning how to be future model/actor. All the while gaining self confidence and valuable communication skills. Wow this is really something. Oh darn, no swimsuit competition, I would win if they had that. But OH! they judge on personality, poise, and confidence. Hmmmm so they just judge on not the outward appearance, but who you are on the inside...isn't there a Bible verse about that? Wow this sounds really good! Should I go on Tuesday or Monday?

Oh too bad, I'm not a girl,

What the heck?



  1. Aw, but Branson is such a lovely, feminine name - the "son" part in it really seems female-ish too! Miss Branson...shiver. That just isn't right.

  2. WOW! That's awesome! You should deff go!!!

    PS: Love the poll!!!

  3. Ha!... I get letters all the time from Samaritan's Purse, written to a certain Reverend Devan Cooley...age 16...

  4. Ohhh, I got that thing too....but it was to the whole entire family...that's just wrong that they sent it to a guy....

  5. Niiiice! IDk they might count off for a partialy plastic tooth...

  6. I found your blog and have been stalking it for quite some time! :) And I was ROTFL!!!! The poll is amazing!!

    I also received a letter from them......interesting....

    btw, you are welcome to stalk my blog!!
