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Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I really regret I haven't posted sooner on our amazing toy Australian shepherd puppy Pike. He got hit today by a car and died. I still can't believe he's gone. G and my Mom are beating themselves up over him getting hit. I am definitely waiting on the next life now.....

Monday, December 7, 2009

Quick update

I thought i'd type a quick post since I haven't posted anything in a while. Today at swim we swam 3000 yards! That's almost 2 miles! it was actually fun, kind of weirdly. Also we are going to be off of school in a few more days, just 11 more and then a two week Christmas break! Hopefully I'll have some more time post and more things to talk about during the holidays.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, November 2, 2009

G's kazoo skills

Swimming in the "bubble"

It's pretty ironic that the most mentions I have to any one thing in my blog is something I don't care much for-swimteam. Now most people stop their swimming regimens at the YMCA at the end of September or so, but never us. We the homeschool swimteam(now with cool t-shirts!) never stop. We swim our best in the cold of winter when other "swimmers" stop for a winter break. We swim our best when the pool is covered in a self induced fog because of the mind boggling difference between the temperatures of the pool water and the air. Then, after a few weeks, we get to swim in the bubble. The "bubble" is some kinda big, thick, and old tarp thing that they put over the pool before we morning swim team kids die in a block of ice, or sue because of frost bite caused by early morning swimming in the fall. The bubble ( or big diaper as my ingenious little brother used to call it) used to be white. Now it is a very putrid yellow color. Probably from being stored for most of the year in someplace far far away and most likely damp and moldy. The bubble is constantly pumped full of hot, thick, and humid air from a 30+ year old air conditioner located in the back. This makes it rather hard to breathe; even if you aren't allergic to mold like my poor brother is. G dutifully swims his backstroke, freestyle, butterfly, and breaststroke as he coughs, hacks, and gags in the humid air. I have an easier time of it. In fact, during our backstroke swim today I swam for twenty straight minutes without stopping. However, neither A or I counted how many laps we did. I'll say I swam about 1500. (based on that it takes me about 15 strokes to cross the pool at a second a piece.) I have to go do math now and get ready for biology. Don't try to do the math in the nice formula I wrote it'll probably come out a lot differently than my calculations.

My mom made me post this

Christ vs Society

A Sonlight Writing Assignment

By: Branson Horn

The older I get, the more and more I see of the differences between secular society and the Bible’s idea of a Christian society. However, the older I get, the more I start to see a muddling of Christian and secular societies. This saddens me. Many of the people that came to the new world, especially the pilgrims, came to escape the mixing of their Christian morals and secular morals. I find it ironic, then, that a country that was founded as a haven for religion has become so perverted by secularism.

Throughout history, Christians have struggled in the society they belong to. Even during Jesus’ time, Christians struggled to maintain their morals in a society that didn’t always support or reflect them. In the ancient church, when Christianity became somewhat of a fad, those who genuinely sought to live a true Christian life struggled against the waves of false teachers and prophets, as well as influences from other religions seeping ever so slowly into the moral fibers of the churches. Of course, little needs to be said about the suffering of the early church under the merciless Roman Empire, whose social, political, and moral corruption was in sharp contrast to that of Christianity’s.

The struggle continued in the Reformation, when those who sought to form another church, apart from the corrupt and bloated Roman Catholic church, were persecuted for their ideas and different theologies. This didn’t stop them however, the Protests fought with words and the sword and finally gained the freedom that they desired. However, the corruption didn’t end for the church when the Protestants rose. Because humans are innately sinful and corrupted from birth, the church can never be devoid of sin. Humans, who make up the church, constantly gravitate towards the world as if pulled by a magnet. Until Christ returns again there will never be a church completely set apart from the world. However, we, as Christians can do our best to stay apart from the sin of the world and not let it penetrate our values. Although we shouldn’t cloister ourselves away, we should separate our hearts from the things of this world, and look forward to those things that will come.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Roll Tide

Well, once again I have forgotten to mention another important part of my life. I love Alabama football. This season we have watched just about every one of Bama's games with some of my best friends the Macs. In fact, during our trip to Wind Creek we crowded into a small hotel's dining room to watch the Alabama/Old Miss game....which was interesting, because the TV we were watching had a warped screen or something so half the players looks massive and the rest were normal size. So far Alabama is #2 in the country, I hope they stay that way and get to go to the National Championship. The past few games I haven't been very pleased by Alabama's offense though. I don't know how it is possible to have such a great defense and a mediocre offense. Anyway, hopefully the Macs and my family will be able to cheer them on to victory when they play Tennessee tomorrow.

Roll Tide!

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Lack of Frisbee in my life

About 20 minutes ago I almost chocked on my pizza a horrible thought hit me. I have completely forgot to write about one of my favorite things in the world--Ultimate Frisbee, or more importantly the lack of Frisbee I've had lately. Last week we were camping with the Ws and the Macs and so, because of our amazing selves wouldn't be there, they canceled ultimate. However, tomorrow I am taking the PSAT....and they are still having ultimate. No one has thought to spare me the pain of missing Frisbee by canceling it again. *sob* However, the fact that I have gone two weeks without Frisbee been just really annoying. Not annoying, depressing. So tomorrow I will be stuck for 3+ hours taking the PSAT instead of playing the greatest game ever made. Words can not describe my sadness.

No Swim!...this morning....

I woke up this morning and I was overjoyed. No swim! It was already 7:15! Words can not describe my happiness at that moment. However, just a few minutes later, my mom broke horrible news. "Since it is very cold today you don't have to go to swim....this morning." Now I don't think I have described the other swim see the love hate relationship I have with swim team is only with the MORNING swim with the HOMESCHOOL group. I just plain hate the afternoon swim. See, the morning swim is mainly for the homeschoolers that are too wimpy to go to the afternoon swim, like me. So my dear friends, pray for me as I go to afternoon swim today, pray that I'll be strong, pray that I'll do my best, and pray that I don't break down and cry during the 2 dozen 50 sprints we are sure to do.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A weekday

As I sit here this morning in my red chair and sigh. Another weekday.... weekdays are sometimes fun but there are so many of them! Endless days of school and things of that sort. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy school very much, but sometimes I wish that there were 3 days in a weekend (wait that doesn't make since, shouldn't a weekend only be one day since it is a week-end?) anyway I thought I would just let everyone know my opinion on that. Friday should be part of the no school no work day collection. Of course that wouldn't matter very much to my mom she works on weekends a lot. I guess I haven't written yet how freakishly awesome she is. She home-schools me and my little brother G, takes care of our home, cooks dinner every day and sometimes lunch, and works as a nurse. She is like some kinda superhero. I can see it now....corny 80's tv show and everything. She would have little action figures and all the little children would want one. Then there would be a big budget movie trilogy made about her once the tv show was dead and gone. Anyway that concludes today's post.

Judges 5:3 " Hear this you kings listen you rulers! I will sing to the LORD, I will sing; I will make music to the LORD the God of Israel."

C.S. Lewis: "A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell."

Stargate Quote Eli SGU episode 3 " I have a gun! *click*"

Monday, October 12, 2009

Stargate or the gift of God to man through the wonderfulness of a corny, but somehow awesome show that encompasses everything that makes life livable

Well I think the title is a good introduction, I believe that Stargate is the best work of human imagination possible ( various God inspired works aside) I was introduced to this incredible, amazing, outstanding, and *special* show about a year ago by three of my best friends, L, EA, and CW. Since then I have watched seven out of ten SG1 seasons on hulu( the greatest website ever to be discussed in a later post) and most of the rest of the series on our DVR (which will also be praised later on) I have watched all but 4 episodes of the 5 seasons of Stargate Atlantis (which is inferior in some aspects to SG1 but still incredible) and all three of the episodes released so far of SGU which really shouldn't count as Stargate because it is completely different(It is actually *gasp* well acted, produced, and shot with state of the art special effects and a serious story line!) and the fact that the last 3 hours tv time were spent watching the characters of SGU fight and try to find air hence the name of the episodes, was just plain stupid. Regardless I will still watch the show until the bitter end (which will either be it being canceled or some kinda freakish change with the morals of the show, which would then result in a very strict banning) I doubt either one of those will happen however, the show is probably going to be loved by critics and last forever and I still have enough faith in the writers of Stargate to believe that they won't make the show nasty. I will have more comments on all the episodes of SGU as the show progresses--My comment for the last two episodes is " there is hope for this show...although it has lost some of it's spirt it has potential especially if they get of the dang ship" I suddenly realized that no one will get this unless they have actually watched the show which means L, CW and maybe Co will get it. But of course if you have actually read this whole poorly written post on which many consider to be a nerd show (although the application of "nerd" to anything is dependent on one's own opinions) you probably are already in love with Stargate and know what I mean. I think I might need to end this post now. I promise that I will have many MANY comments on Stargate in previous posts.

First real post

First Post! (I don't have anything to write)

Well I really don't have much to say, but I guess I better write something, (this being a blog and all.) I guess I should write a bit about myself. I don't think it would be wise to use my full name or that sort of thing, I don't want anything used against me when I'm rich and famous and running for president :p. I guess I could go so far as to say that I'm fifteen, a christian, love music, and my church Grace Chelsea. I play in the youth band there with some of my best friends CW, Co, E, L, Kt, A, and the rest of our wonderful troop. When our youth pastor, Rick, left he put me and CW in charge of the youth group. There are few things more challenging than trying to fill the shoes of such a great leader. I had no idea how hard it was to keep the attention of 10 teenage kids in a practice. We try our best though and have a great time praising God. I am also homeschooled which is really cool. I used to like it because I could take only four or five hours a day to do school, but now it's a bit different. You can never do enough school in 9th grade! I work hard though and God has blessed me with a mind that is able to handle Geometry(fun) English(not so much) Koine Greek(the language everyone needs to speak) History(Awesome but time consuming) Guitar(The instrument of God :p) Vocabulary( I know most of it already) Christian Ethics( Taught by Davy Stephenson who can make watching paint dry interesting and educational) and swim team ( It's a love hate realationship.) Hopefully I'll be able to post a good deal and keep everyone updated with my life, although I think the people that read this will know more about my life than I do... Anyway, hope to post soon!
1 Corinthians 13:13"And now these three things remain: faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is love."
C.S. Lewis: "We are faced, then, with a frightening alternative. This man (Jesus) we are talking about either was(and is) just what He said or else a lunatic, or something worse. Now it seems to me obvious that He was neither a lunatic or a fiend: and consequently however strange or terrifying or unlikely it may seem....He was and is God."

Teal'c Stargate SG1 "Perhaps Puff?"
okay now for a real post....
ha! it does!

Let's see if this works....