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Friday, October 16, 2009

No Swim!...this morning....

I woke up this morning and I was overjoyed. No swim! It was already 7:15! Words can not describe my happiness at that moment. However, just a few minutes later, my mom broke horrible news. "Since it is very cold today you don't have to go to swim....this morning." Now I don't think I have described the other swim see the love hate relationship I have with swim team is only with the MORNING swim with the HOMESCHOOL group. I just plain hate the afternoon swim. See, the morning swim is mainly for the homeschoolers that are too wimpy to go to the afternoon swim, like me. So my dear friends, pray for me as I go to afternoon swim today, pray that I'll be strong, pray that I'll do my best, and pray that I don't break down and cry during the 2 dozen 50 sprints we are sure to do.

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