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Monday, October 12, 2009

Stargate or the gift of God to man through the wonderfulness of a corny, but somehow awesome show that encompasses everything that makes life livable

Well I think the title is a good introduction, I believe that Stargate is the best work of human imagination possible ( various God inspired works aside) I was introduced to this incredible, amazing, outstanding, and *special* show about a year ago by three of my best friends, L, EA, and CW. Since then I have watched seven out of ten SG1 seasons on hulu( the greatest website ever to be discussed in a later post) and most of the rest of the series on our DVR (which will also be praised later on) I have watched all but 4 episodes of the 5 seasons of Stargate Atlantis (which is inferior in some aspects to SG1 but still incredible) and all three of the episodes released so far of SGU which really shouldn't count as Stargate because it is completely different(It is actually *gasp* well acted, produced, and shot with state of the art special effects and a serious story line!) and the fact that the last 3 hours tv time were spent watching the characters of SGU fight and try to find air hence the name of the episodes, was just plain stupid. Regardless I will still watch the show until the bitter end (which will either be it being canceled or some kinda freakish change with the morals of the show, which would then result in a very strict banning) I doubt either one of those will happen however, the show is probably going to be loved by critics and last forever and I still have enough faith in the writers of Stargate to believe that they won't make the show nasty. I will have more comments on all the episodes of SGU as the show progresses--My comment for the last two episodes is " there is hope for this show...although it has lost some of it's spirt it has potential especially if they get of the dang ship" I suddenly realized that no one will get this unless they have actually watched the show which means L, CW and maybe Co will get it. But of course if you have actually read this whole poorly written post on which many consider to be a nerd show (although the application of "nerd" to anything is dependent on one's own opinions) you probably are already in love with Stargate and know what I mean. I think I might need to end this post now. I promise that I will have many MANY comments on Stargate in previous posts.

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